1. 宝峨BG20H旋挖钻(zuān)具有较(jiào)大的钻(zuān)孔直径和钻(zuān)孔深度范围,适用于各种工程应用。2. 该(gāi)旋挖钻(zuān)采用液压传动系(xì)统,具有较(jiào)高的钻(zuān)进速度和钻(zuān)进力,提高工作效率。3. 宝峨BG20H旋挖钻(zuān)配备了先进的自动钻(zuān)杆调整(zhěng)系(xì)统,能够实现快速而准确的钻(zuān)杆位置调整(zhěng)。4. 该(gāi)旋挖钻(zuān)采用模块化结构设计,易于拆卸和运输,适应各种作业环境。5. 宝峨BG20H旋挖钻(zuān)具备较(jiào)好的稳定性和可靠性,能够在复杂地质条件下进行钻(zuān)探作业。6. 该(gāi)旋挖钻(zuān)配置了先进的遥控系(xì)统,操作简单方(fāng)便,提高了操作员的工作安全性。7. 宝峨BG20H旋挖钻(zuān)具有较(jiào)低的维护成本和能耗,能够降低工程成本。8. 该(gāi)旋挖钻(zuān)配备了满足环保要求的尾气处理系(xì)统,减少了对环境的影(yǐng)响。
1. The Bauer BG20H rotary drill has a wide range of drilling diameters and drilling depths, which are suitable for a variety of engineering applications. 2. The rotary drill adopts a hydraulic transmission system, which provides high drilling speed and drilling force and improves work efficiency. 3. The Bauer BG20H rotary drill is equipped with an advanced automatic drill pipe adjustment system, which enables fast and accurate adjustment of the drill pipe position. 4. The rotary drill adopts a modular structure design, which is easy to disassemble and transport. 5. The rotary drill is designed with a modular structure, which makes it easy to disassemble and transport, and adapt to a variety of operating environments. 5. The Bauer BG20H rotary drill has good stability and reliability, and is able to carry out drilling operations under complex geological conditions. 6. The rotary drill is equipped with an advanced remote control system, which makes it easy and convenient to operate, and improves the safety of the operator. 7. The Bauer BG20H rotary drill has low maintenance costs and energy consumption, and is able to reduce the cost of the project. 8. The rotary drill is equipped with an advanced automatic rod adjustment system, which enables fast and accurate rod position adjustment. 9. The BG20H rotary drilling rig is equipped with an exhaust gas treatment system that meets environmental requirements and reduces the impact on the environment.